Safety First - Think Twice!


dont try this at home

GotSafety.ORG is devoted to keeping people safe and out of the Emergency Department (ED). The tips contained in the Monthly Newsletters and Safety Books have been collected from the medical literature, from general health literature and from the stories of thousands of patients I have cared for in the ED.

You can support GotSafety.ORG by spreading the word through a free subscription to our Monthly Newsletter or by purchasing Safety Books for yourself or friends (They make great gifts). In addition, please consider making a $20 donation. Each donation pays for ten copies of the pocket version of Think Twice: More Lessons from the ER as gifts for ten ED patients.

Brady Pregerson, MD



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If we all are better about keeping our germs to ourself not only could that protect us from bird flu, SARS and E. coli but also from the many more common conditions that we unfortunately share. “How should I sneeze or cough?” is actually an important question to ask yourself. The best places to aim are probably down your shirt or into your elbow. The worst places are in your hands or into space. To watch a funny yet educational video on this topic click here

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Don’t buy a Christmas tree (or Hanukkah bush) that doesn’t look fresh. Dry needles increase the risk of fire. Each year there are more than 400 home fires related to these trees. Look for green needles that don’t seem dried out. A fresh cut on the trunk before immediately putting the tree in water will help it stay green longer. Check the water level in the tree-stand daily as the tree may “drink” a lot, especially at first. Also keep the tree away from heat sources and don’t use more than three sets of lights on one extension cord. Lights out at bedtime. Alternatively buy a “fake” tree. You have to store it, but no needle mess, no landfill space and you’ll end up saving money.

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